Or you can mail donations to Henry Shivley at P.O. The United States is Still a British Colony Patriot Broadcast From the Trenches Archives There is a disinformation te chnique called “T he Big Lie”. No other President in history has had so many accounts attesting to his being foreign born and/or can provide NO contemporaneous birth witnesses or independent evidence to corroborate their subsequent claim to U.S. And again, prior to 2007 Obama himself touted to the world that he was born in Kenya as exemplified by the book agent’s biography published and re-edited over many years as Obama’s career unfolded but always saying he was born in Kenya, up until 2007 when he decided to run for President and the massive scrubbing, forging, and re-creati on of his life history and records began. Those ads were placed automatically by the state as a result of ALL birth registrations – real or falsified! And to further contradict the Hawaiian birth nativity story of Obama, there are many accounts by Obama’s paternal family in Kenya, Kenyan government officials, and Kenyan and African newspapers - that Obama really was born in the hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.
As to the much t outed two newspape r announcements, false registrat ion of a birth at home in HI with no witnesses woul d have generated the vital record i n HI and also would have automatically generated the two newspaper ads. No records exist of her being in HI for the 6 months prior to the al leged birth date.

In fact, there is no record at a ll for his mother even being in H awaii in August 1961, the alleged month of Obama’s alleged birth in Hawaii. No post-natal care records exist in Hawaii for the care of Obama’s mother or the child. No independent witnesses to the claimed birth in Hawaii have ever been named or surfaced. No name of a n attending physicia n, mid-wife, or paramedic cal led to the scene of a speculated home birth report exists. No pre-natal re cords and no post-nat al records for his mother being i n HI during the a lleged birth month in 1961 have been found.

There is no independent evidence of Obama being born in HI.
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The laws in HI were very lax in regards to registration of births. They have also proved that Obama’s alleged draft registration card is a forgery too.
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A PDF version of an alleged long-form birth certifi cate has been posted online by Obama but it has been proved to be a computer manufactured forgery by AZ Sheriff Arpaio and his Lead Investigator Mike Zullo. Citizenship) since no official hospital record of his birth has been produced. After 2007 Obama claims he was born in HI but his birth registration there most likely was falsified by the maternal grandmother (to get her new grandson much desired and coveted U.S. Obama himself claimed he was born in Kenya for many years in his various editions of his pre-2007 book agent’s biographies for him.